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Az EUROTEX Ipari és Szolgáltató Kft. fő profilja, alapítása óta, síkkötött felsőruházati cikkek gyártása és értékesítése. A korábbi kisszériás termelést mára felváltotta a nagy darabszámú, magas vásárlói igényeket is kielégítő komplex gyártási eljárások működtetése. A Társaság folyamatosan fejleszti kötő- és konfekció üzemét, a korszerű kötőipari gyártás megköveteli a technológiai fejlődés állandó követését. Termékeink 100%-át az uniós piacokon értékesítjük.

Cégünk alapítója és gesztora a Dél-alföldi Regionális Textilipari Klaszternek. Gesztorként szerteágazó szolgáltatások elérését biztosítjuk partnerszervezeteink részére (információ csere, kapacitáskoordináció, számítógépes mintatervező stúdió működtetése, beruházási tanácsadás).

Társaságunk a fejlesztéseit a Klaszter stratégiai fejlesztési terveihez illeszkedve hajtja végre. A minőségi követelményeknek megfelelni kívánó menedzsment különös figyelmet fordít a munkatársak folyamatos továbbképzésére, a legmodernebb technológia alkalmazására és a legigényesebb piacok megtartására. A társaság megszerezte az ISO 9001: 2008 minősítést, tevékenységét a minőségbiztosítási rendszer előírásait figyelembe véve végzi.


Il profilo piú importante della ditta EUROTEX é la produzione e la commercializzazione di abbigliamento smacchinato su rettilinea. Il precedente sistema produttivo basato sulle piccole quantitá é stato accantonato in funzione del nuovo orientamento produttivo legato alle grosse quantitá, che soddisfa tutte le richieste di una clientela sempre piú esigente. Il reparto di smacchinatura e confezione é in continuo sviluppo, poiché la produzione moderna pretende un aggiornamento costante degli sviluppi technologici. Tutti i nostri prodotti vengono distribuiti sul mercato europeo.

La nostra ditta é fondatore e gestore dell'Associazione Industriale Tessile della regione di Dél-Alföld (Cluster). Come gestore, offriamo una vasta scelta di servizi per i nostri soci (scambiamento di informazioni, coordinazione delle capacitá produttiva, disponibilitá di un laboratorio computerizzato di campionamento, consultazione di investimento). La nostra societá realizza i propri rinnuovi secondo dei piani strategici di sviluppo dell'Associazione in sovraindicazione. La direzione della dittá, volendo soddisfare le richieste qualitative, da una significanza aparticolare all'addestramento professionale dei dipendenti, all'uso delle technologie pi? elevate e di mantenere la clientela piú esigente. La nostra societá ha ottenuto la qualificazione ISO 9001: 2008, svolge la sua attivitá secondo le regole del sistema assicurativa della qualitá.


Introduction of EUROTEX Group

EUROTEX Co., Ltd. is a major producer and distributor of flat knitted garments, established in 1990. Coming from the home made manufacture technology, the company now operates a costumer driven, well developed, and complex productions line. Up-to-date knitting technology requires a perpetual developing process; we may not stop following the new inventions. All of our garments are sold sorely in the EC market; we work mainly with 100% carded and extra fine Merino wool. The Eurotex Group is one of the most sophisticated flat knitting manufacturers in the industry, using above all Japanese technology, Shima Seiki and Juki.
Our corporation is a founder and mentor of the Regional Textile Cluster in the Southern Plain, the first and largest textile cluster in Hungary. We provide wide range of services for our partners as follows:

  • Productions network, capacity coordination
  • Nano-technological research center
  • Logistics infrastructure
  • Service base for knitting sewing machines
  • Inner communications line, order distribution
  • Computer based muster studio, independent design studio
  • Management of the partners' designs and items
  • Organization of common attendance in international fairs and trade shows
  • Investment and development consulting, tender and project management

All of our innovations are executed methodically, according to the Strategic Development Plan of the Cluster. The management keeps tabs on the persistent education of the stuff, getting the finest up-to-date technology, and full attention towards the market of the premium knitted garments. Our Quality Management System has been assessed and found to be in accordance with requirements of the ISO 9001: 2008 quality standards.

Group details:
Owner, managing director: Mr. Árpád RÁCZ M.Sc.
Machinery: 8-12 gg. SHIMA SEIKI computer based knitting machines, German and Italian made fine ironing machines, 80 sewing stations, and independent milling station
Capacity: 12-15000 pcs/months up to 40000 pcs in cooperation within the Cluster
Number of employees: 90 persons
Main collection: small and medium size elegant and fashionable collections from quality yarn, with fully fashion and/or inlaid technology, even knitted and woven mixed items. We produce mainly labor-intensive, nice models.
Target customers: ambitious, quality demanding customers of all ages.

PULMAN'S own registered brand name
PAUL & SHARK /DAMA/ with long term contract
RAGNO, LANA GATTO /Filatura e Tessitura di Tollegno/ with long term contract
EMIDIO TUCCI, El Corte Inglése, Spain
ROLAND Fashion House, Hungary

Contact person: Mr. Aurél ALÁCSI trade executive, EUROTEX (English, German, and Hungarian)
Address: Dózsa György útja 62., H-6800 HÓDMEZŐVÁSÁRHELY, Hungary
Phone: +36 30-453-2345 (mobile), +36-62-535-500, 535-507 (office), 535-501 (fax)
E-mail: alacsi@eurotex.eu
Web: www.eurotex.eu www.pulmans.info

Eurotex is interested in finding trustful partners as costumers and as investors as well. The group is financially strong, but keeping space with the market requires constant innovation, although we invest at least 400.000 Euro yearly, we consider further capital injection as a form of possible full or partially take over, even with full management! For all companies of non-European origin, it would be the best passing way to the heart of the EC market.

All parties might be interested in investing in prosperous, premium flat knitting company within the EC, or looking for qualified spring-board to the EC market, feel free to contact us!

RÁCZ, Árpád
Owner, managing director